We Miss the Suncook Valley Sun!
The citizens of Pittsfield continue to miss our former newspaper, and peopleb have been having conversations about how to strengthen communicationb within our community. In August the Community Development Committee began to have “communication” as an agenda item. In response Leslie Vogt,
Josiah Carpenter Library’s Director, shared a weekly four-page newspaper Weare in the World. Approximately three years ago Weare, NH lost their
weekly newspaper. In response Weare chose to have their public library produce Weare in the World. This sample uses Weare’s Microsoft Word template as a formatting platform. Our goal is to begin publication . Each ednesday the nnewspaper will be posted on website and emailed to people who
are signed up for the PittsfieldNH.gov newsletter updates. On Wednesday afternoons teens from the Pittsfield Youth Workshop and additional volunteers will bring paper copies to downtown businesses and public
Want to Have Some Fun?
Help Create a Newspaper!
Join us! You can select what you would like to do, and how often. Tasks include reviewing submittals, putting content into the newspaper format, proof reading, emailing the paper for publication, picking up the paper copies, distribution to downtown locations, taking photos of town events, encouraging people and community groups to submit articles, researching community events for inclusion in the What, When, and Where section. Send us any other idea you would like to suggest. Interested? Email: or visit/call the Josiah Carpenter Library 435-8406.